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Writer's pictureearthwarlock

My truth on religion and spiritualism

Updated: Nov 8, 2023

First off all of this stuff is written and none of the knowledge is anything but what i have found through other sources and my own personal experiences.

The truth is GOD is inside us and outside of us at the same time. The heart energy of love is how you connect to god. So god is in the plants in the trees in the animals and inside of us.

We incarnated on this planet because our soul needs to learn lessons to upgrade ourspirit so that we can move on to better incarnations like incarnating in heaven.

Energy balance is important to spiritualism this is information on what energy is

its all about healing the traumas in your heart... to raise your vibrations.

its about forgiving and letting go of the past. The universe reads the heart and decides what journey or circumstances that are included in your life. because it is the universe simulating situations and events that unfold in your life to trigger and reawaken particular emotions. So basically Shadow work is essential to every spiritual person on the planet. Jesus told the poor man that the reason he is poor on the inside. basically Jesus confirmed that a clean heart prospers.

and it is true a clean loving heart is able to reach the energy of balance which allows creative thinking so as long as a person hides trauma in the heart reaching balance or equilibrium would be impossible to sustain.

Warning it is very important to do shadow work and to repent to father. think of it like a computer game and those of us who forgave and healed the past and on the highest level. This healed version of yourself is now in a brand new timeline. just be sure that you use your knowledge from past mistakes and use that knowledge to make better future choices.

Journaling link... check this out ---- very important first step is to start writing things down. wisdom is definitely acquired when doing shadow work. life is full of up and down moments these moments all of them needs to be revisited.

------see the story - write it down

write about the lessons learned during that story\journey

------what did it tell you about yourself...

------what causes these types of situations... what could you do better to avoid running into that same situation in the future...

------Forgive yourself and everyone involved understand we are on a spiritual journey and these types of things are going to happen it was never your fault but it is your job to heal the damage that is caused...

--- personally i have been through a lot of trauma and I healed it all -- it took a long time to do but it was well worth it... even on my bad days I'm happy... and that's a good way to see life.. make good days out of bad days. hold that smile god thinks it looks good on you.

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